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Environmental Impact Assessment Services

In India, SIA/SEIA has been generally carried out as part of the Environment Impact Assess106ment clearance process and hence not received the attention it deserves. Social Impact Assessment has now become an important part of the project preparation process, especially for the preparation of Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs). In this process, SIA/SEIA is carried out as socio-economic survey that identifies social and economic impacts on people and communities facing project-induced displacement. In addition, data thus generated is used in designing mitigation measures as well as in monitoring mitigation implementation.

Varshasookt identifies the requirement of SIA/SEIA from beginning itself. The appropriate Government shall ensure that a Social Impact Assessment study (SIA / SEIA) is carried out whenever it is desired to undertake a new project or the expansion of an existing project that will involve involuntary displacement of four hundred or more families & masse in plain areas, or two hundred or more families en masse in tribal or hilly areas, DDBs (Desert Development Blocks) or areas mentioned in the Fifth Schedule or Sixth Schedule to the Constitution.


Our Expertise

Varshasookt takes up the responsibility of obtaining Environmental Clearance required for all projects which come in the list of EIA notification 2006. EIA notification 1994 comes under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, and later modified on 2006. All projects and activities are broadly categorized in to two categories – Category A and Category B. ‘Category A’ projects shall require prior environmental clearance from the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) while ‘Category B’ projects shall require prior environmental clearance from the State/Union territory Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA).

Sea Turtle

Legal Perspective

As per notification Public Consultation/Hearing (PH) is required for some of the projects. Varshasookt has successfully completed Environmental Clearance for multiple projects and public hearing also for multiple projects.

Varshasookt EIA is to identify potential environmental impacts from proposals, such as projects and programs, and to propose means to avoid or reduce the significant impacts, and does through the following manner:

National Flower

EIA Methodology

  • Collection of all technical details of the project

  • Description of current baseline environment (all environmental component)

  • Impact prediction of project to local environment

  • Management plan to reduce the impact

  • Compiling of all detailed information in Draft EIA report

  • Submission of Draft EIA report to SPCB for Public Hearing (if applicable as per notification)

  • Submission of final EIA report to SPCB/MoEF for final appraisal

  • Appraisal at SPCB/MoEF for EC

Image by Moritz Lange

Our Sector Specific Expertise

Varshasookt carry out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies in various sectors, including Building Construction and Area Development, Synthetic Organic Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Argo chemicals, Infrastructure (Airports, Ports & Harbors, Highways, Industrial Estates, Parks & SEZ) and Large Industry (Cement, Iron and Steel, Thermal Power Plant, Mining. Our team includes Environmental/Chemical/Civil Engineers, Experts in Chemistry/Biodiversity,  Architects/Planners, Social studies and other cross functional  areas. We advise clients to obtain Environment and CRZ clearance.

Image by Manyu Varma

Social Impact Assessment

Social Impact Assessment (SIA/SEIA) is a process that provides a framework for prioritizing, gathering, analyzing, and incorporating social information and participation into the design and delivery of developmental interventions.

Varshasookt identifies the requirement of SIA / SEIA from beginning itself. The appropriate Government shall ensure that a Social Impact Assessment study (SIA/SEIA) is carried out whenever it is desired to undertake a new project or the expansion of an existing project that will involve involuntary displacement of four hundred or more families en masse in plain areas, or two hundred or more families en masse in tribal or hilly areas, DDBs (Desert Development Blocks) or areas mentioned in the Fifth Schedule or Sixth Schedule to the Constitution.

Social Impact Assessment Methodology

Varshasookt carry out SIA / SEIA after considering all below aspects

  • Describe the relevant human environment/ area 96of influence and baseline conditions

  • Develop an effective public plan to involve all potentially affected members of the public

  • Describe the proposed action or policy change and reasonable alternatives

  • Scoping to identify the full range of probable social impacts

  • Screening to determine the SIA boundaries

  • Predicting Responses to Impacts

  • Develop Monitoring Plan & Mitigation Measures

Advancing Performance of Businesses

Varshasookt plays very unique strategic growth for businesses while following sound environmental engineering practices, following compliance and offering cost saving at the same time which ultimately is biggest driver into growth of businesses and society too.

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